Blackfoot Community Players present
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Tickets $10 per person
7:00pm – Doors Open
7:30pm – Show Starts
Social Distancing Required!

Showing August 14-22 (except Sunday)
The world-renowned musical comedy, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, is coming to the Blackfoot Performing Arts Center! This show, sponosored by the Blackfoot Community Players, is under the direction of Sharon Hoge, musical direction from Rebecca Walker, Diane Burt, Jacob and Kiah Spjute, and choreography by Whitney Hepworth.
All of the talented musicians in the production are from Blackfoot and Pocatello and will include a children’s, male, and female chorus.
The main parts are as follows:
Narrator: Karin Dance
Joseph: Adam Farnes
Jacob: Donovan Harrington
Rueben: Merritt Van Orden
Simeon: Neil Walker
Levi: Nathan Harrington
Naphtali: Cameron Baker
Issachar: Kaden Brown
Asher: Alex Van Orden
Dan: Matt Niu
Zebulun: Richard Kunz
Gad: Larz Hawker
Benjamin: Abraham Hansen
Judah: Bryce Moser
Pharoah: Brad Bowen
Potiphar’s wife: Jerica Spillet
Potiphar: Terry Hansen
Baker: Jason Arnold
Butler: Anthony Niu
Apache dancer: Amy Moser
Eponine Baker, Sharlene Bitter, Aundrea Brown, Elena Hutchinson, Alexis Kunz, Jana McBride, Amy Moser, Christine Pack, Kiah Spjute, Tiniel Williams, Emilee Murdoch, Shawn Ruth
Tickets available at the door, or from Blackfoot Community Players